Advanced Framing Techniques Save Energy, Money, and the Planet
Advanced Framing Techniques (aka Optimal Value Engineered Framing) have been around since the late ‘70s, but have been slow to make the mainstream of the building industry. Until now. We’re happy to report that a growing number of builders are embracing these techniques. And for many good reasons.
- Does away with framing materials (about a 20% reduction) that serve no structural purpose, reducing waste and costs.
- For every piece of unneeded lumber, builders pay three times—to purchase, to move around and to recycle or send to the landfill.
- It’s a smarter use of wood, saving trees and forests.
- Many techniques improve air sealing and reduce drywall cracking, saving on labor and repair costs.
- Leaves additional room for insulation and eliminates cold spots, making the house more comfortable and energy efficient. Heat moves through wood four times faster than standard insulation materials, causing thermal bridging.
There’s a lot of interesting and useful info out there. The point is to start the journey to smarter, more environmentally mindful building.
For more info, check out
Sites to check out: