A New Year. New Possibilities.
I believe that persistence is the single most important ingredient in achieving success. It’s good to work smart, but my experience is that many problems worth solving require dogged determination more than cleverness. Some people with a lot of persistence tend to keep their nose to the grindstone and focus more on remaining problems than acknowledging progress. This can lead to burnout, especially when the objectives are difficult, and the pursuit long lasting.
It’s a new year. And a new year can bring new possibilities, a fresh perspective, a renewed sense of empowerment. It’s a great time to reflect on the amazing progress we’ve made since we set out on our goal to bring 1,000 Passive House buildings to the Monterey Bay area and—by extension—help usher in a more sustainable way of life. A time to look inside ourselves to find the inspiration, to unlock the wisdom that we each possess to help create a beautiful, successful future. To tap into our creativity and discover innovative ways we can improve quality of life, human health, our interactions with one another and the well-being of our planet. Every day, we see more and more individuals, businesses, cities, counties and nonprofit organizations pulling together for a sustainable future.
As the dark cloud of 2020 begins to clear, it’s time to move forward with renewed hope and determination. We’re a resilient bunch. Let’s take a collective deep breath and set our sights on what we’d like to accomplish this year.
A lot has happened in the last 18 months. Monterey Bay Regional Climate Action Compact—the nonprofit organization spearheading efforts in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties— has joined with a broader coalition of communities to create the Central Coast Climate Collaborative. Monterey Bay Community Power is now Central Coast Community Energy. These changes are not in name only. They symbolize growth and expansion that now includes San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties.
On a local front, Sustainable Monterey County is taking the lead to unite our diverse jurisdictions in a coordinated effort. The number of groups like Sustainable Carmel and Sustainable Pacific Grove are on the rise. The City of Monterey added energy and Passive House related criteria for developers bidding on one of four major housing projects planned for this year. We’re seeing signs that other cities will follow suit.
It’s a new era where everyone’s energy, creativity and ideas are welcome and needed. The framework is coalescing for people who are interested in getting involved in activities around the issue of climate change. Momentum is a powerful thing. With each step toward achieving our common goals, we are more encouraged and energized to take another, and another. You’re invited to learn more and be part of this growing movement.
At Carmel Building & Design, we envision a future where everyone has shelter, a place to call home, a place that is comfortable, has healthy indoor air quality, is safe and energy efficient. We foresee a world where electricity, generated by clean energy, makes our air more breathable, creates jobs and spurs an economy that leads to a healthy future and a healthy planet. We know that it’s possible.
You’ll find great ideas, updates and opportunities by visiting these websites:
- Central Coast Community Energy – 3Cenergy.org
- Central Coast Climate Collaborative – centralcoastclimate.org
- Rocky Mountain Institute – RMI.org
- Sustainable Monterey County – sustainablemontereycounty.org
- Carmel Building & Design – carmelbuilding.com